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Command Alkon is proud to announce the availability of real-time air content measurement through its Load Assurance software and in-drum sensor technology. This groundbreaking feature offers complete

With COMMANDbatch, remote ready mix batching shines with responsive service technicians on your side.
Located in Salmabad, Bahrain, Delmon Readymix plants experience variations in the aggregate moisture that are unique to its location and climate. While the moisture of their marine sand usually...

VBI and Command Alkon have been working together for years. VBI has its own ERP system, which, by means of smart interfaces, works together with..

From the late 1980’s through 2010 Strata Corporation expanded through acquisitions. Like many other companies that have purchased other businesses, Strata found itself in a situation where many of...

Like many other concrete producers whose QC programs evolved while personal computers became commonplace, Graniterock’s QC information was managed in multiple programs. Aggregate gradings were...