Could A Commitment to 21 Days Drive New Tech Adoption for Employees?

The Rising Speed of Technological Adoption

Technological progress is not the only thing rising at an exponential rate, but the rate at which new digital business technologies are being adopted is also getting faster, too. In the modern world, through increased connectivity, instant communication, and established infrastructure systems, new ideas and innovations can spread at speeds never seen before – and this enables digital technologies to get into the hands of businesses in the blink of an eye.

The Race to Digitalization Is On

Although the construction industry is getting better, adoption of digital solutions is still lagging compared to most other industries. Marty Turner, Principal Program Controls Manager with Jacobs, cited a 2018 KPMG survey of construction/engineering industry chief information officers showing that just 23% had a “clear digital business vision and strategy” across their enterprise, compared with 32% of all industries. Another 23% reported having a digital business strategy for certain business units. That left 54% of construction/engineering firms entirely lacking a clear digital business strategy.

However, a 2018 report from FMI found that 55% of engineering and construction firms were “actively seeking new technology solutions” at that time, while also using technology to more strategically manage organizational risks in areas like resource allocation, productivity and efficiency, and safety.

In this article found on ForConstructionPros, Three Keys to Technology Adoption in the Construction Industry are outlined:

  1. Identify Efficiencies
  2. Design Your Implementation Strategy
  3. Get Buy-In From Employees

Out of these listed, getting buy-in from employees can oftentimes pose the biggest challenge to an organization’s adoption strategy. User acceptance can be a problem, despite the promised benefits and efficiency upgrades. Change is hard embrace, especially when it disrupts accepted, workable practices and accompanies any measure of downtime or new training procedures. Most users do not enjoy being forced to move from their comfort zones after years of trial and error with present systems. However, once employees are able to overcome the fear of the unknown and really utilize the solution, they realize the benefits that they bring – not only to the organization – but in their own daily operations.

Start The 21-Day Habit Challenge

The first step is to commit to being hands-on with the solution, despite the reservations. You might have heard the myth “it takes 21 days to form a habit.” If you want the 21-day habit formation guide to work, you have to recognize that forming a new habit is no easy undertaking. It won’t get formed on its own. And for that reason, you have to decide why and how important is that habit to you.

Ask yourself this:

  • What perceived difference should the solution make to your day?
  • How will the habit of utilizing the solution the way that it’s intended help you achieve your goals?
  • How will that habit impact your relationships – whether they be at work, or even at home?

Once you’ve answered these questions, you have to formulate your answers in an emotionally captivating language. By articulating them in an emotionally charged way, you are creating a new “narrative” of who you are. You are giving life to your new “habit,” so make that commitment, and make the new technology a vital part of the way you get your work done.

Additionally, the best way to encourage employee buy-in is for managers to always offer continued training and education. Conduct just-in-time training so employees are learning what they need to know, when they need to know it. Offering training refresher courses on new technologies and procedures also helps employees – especially those that do commit to the 21-day habit formation guide – to always know what the latest advancements are that can make their job easier.

Say Yes to A Painless Process

Implementing new digital processes should not be a painful, time-consuming, and disruptive undertaking. Getting CONNEX Connected is a simple process that requires little to no change in current business operations, but boosts the ability to conduct them more efficiently. For more information, visit

Click here to hear directly from Lauren Concrete, who has easily onboarded and built their community on the CONNEX Platform to foster real-time visibility into productivity and costs, accurate tracking of assets and transactions, and simplified invoicing and payment processes.

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