COMMANDbatch Around the World: Curitiba, Brazil

Novamix Mortar and Concrete

Founded in 2009, Curitiba-based Novamix Mortar and Concrete is a member of the AVP Mining and Trading Group, which has been operating for more than 50 years as a provider of sand and gravel for the industrial construction, paving, earthmoving, and mining sectors. Novamix was a fitting addition to the AVP portfolio as a leading manufacturer and service provider of machined concrete and limed mortar.

Novamix was in the market for a solution that could improve production speed, reduce waste, capture real-time visibility and control into production operations, and deliver consistent quality.

After some consideration, it was evident that COMMANDbatch was the right fit for their operations. COMMANDbatch helps Novamix to accurately batch their concrete while allowing them to improve production speed, reduce waste, and deliver consistent quality.The betonMIX system offers Novamix control from sales and contracting through to scheduling and dispatch management.

With COMMANDbatch on their side, they increased productivity and efficiency, were able to deliver a higher product quality, had increased visibility into their materials, were able to make better decisions to improve their customer service, and reduced their costs.

COMMANDbatch is more than just a batch control system; it is a competitive asset for your business, allowing you to consistently produce high-quality concrete. It is fully customizable, with the ability to change all of the settings in real time.

For more information on COMMANDbatch, click here! Make sure to check out Novamix's Indusry Hero Story to learn more about how they boost their operations through Command Alkon technologies. 

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COMMANDbatch Around the World: UAE
COMMANDbatch Around the World: UAE

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COMMANDbatch Around the World: Chaney Enterprises, USA
COMMANDbatch Around the World: Chaney Enterprises, USA

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