Attitude Is Everything

Martin Willoughby

I have a friend and business colleague who has the best attitude toward life of anyone I know. Whenever you exchange a regular greeting with him like “How is it going?” - his quick response is “SUPER FANTASTIC!”  When you first meet him, you hear that somewhat skeptically. How could anyone always be doing that great?  Life is just too hard.  There are deadlines to meet, dirty diapers to change, illnesses, broken relationships to deal with – let’s be real!  However, it is not just a greeting for him but an attitude for living.  I can say that in every interaction I have ever had with him he has always remained positive in his outlook.  I later learned that the late Keith Harrell first influenced him. Harrell, who died way before his time from cancer in 2010, was a world-renowned motivational speaker who always had a similar greeting of SUPER FANTASTIC!

Harrell, who was a high school basketball standout with an imposing 6’ 7” frame, went to work out of college with IBM and became one of their top salespeople and trainers before embarking full time on his speaking and writing career.  Harrell spoke to millions of people around the globe. I distinctly remember my wife Nicki returning from a conference where Harrell spoke, and she brought back his book Attitude is Everything.  I was encouraged and inspired by the book and Harrell’s perspective on life. 

Best-selling author Chuck Swindoll once said, “Words can never adequately convey the incredible impact of our attitudes toward life. The longer I live the more convinced I become that life is 10 percent what happens to us and 90 percent how we respond to it.”  His words remind me of Stephen Covey who taught people to think about the choice we have between the stimuli in our lives and our response.  No matter what happens to us in life, we always maintain the ability to chose how we respond to circumstances. 

This mindset, mirrored in the lives of individuals like my friend and Keith Harrell, fundamentally transforms challenges into opportunities for growth and reflection. It’s a testament to the power of a positive attitude, not as a mere coping mechanism but as a profound strategy for life. This approach doesn't ignore life's difficulties; rather, it confronts them with a resilience and optimism that can shift perspectives and outcomes. Harrell’s philosophy, much like Covey's, emphasizes proactive living. By choosing our response to life's inevitable challenges, we harness control over our own happiness and well-being. This proactive stance is deeply empowering. It suggests that while we cannot control every circumstance that comes our way, we have the ultimate say in our internal response. This is where the magic happens—this choice is the fertile ground where a ‘SUPER FANTASTIC!’ attitude takes root and flourishes.

My friend’s unwavering positive outlook, inspired by Harrell, is not just an isolated phenomenon but a ripple effect. This attitude impacts not only his own life but also those around him, creating a positive feedback loop. It’s contagious. Others are inspired to adopt a similar stance, leading to a community where encouragement, support, and positivity thrive.

In a world often marred by cynicism and despair, choosing to live with such an attitude is both revolutionary and rebellious. It’s a declaration that despite life's hardships, we can choose joy, gratitude, and optimism. This doesn’t mean living in denial but rather choosing to focus on what can be controlled—our attitudes and actions.

Harrell’s legacy and teachings continue to inspire, reminding us that the foundation of a fulfilling life lies in our attitude. As we navigate the complexities and trials of life, adopting a ‘SUPER FANTASTIC!’ outlook can transform our experiences, relationships, and ultimately, our world. 

As you continue in our leadership journey, make sure you remember the importance of your attitude and the impact it has on those around you. 

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