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Copyright © Command Alkon Incorporated. All rights reserved. A Dynamic Environment Conditions within a concrete batch plant are constantly changing. Many variables, including material moisture, temperature, load sizes, mechanical conditions, and material levels in storage units, cause material flow rate fluctuations. Every day, producers face the challenge of maintaining precise target deviations and staying within tolerances by adapting to this dynamic environment. A Dynamic Solution To capture these variations, the MIntelligent Feed technology continuously processes large amounts of real-time data from plant components, including the feeding equipment. Artificial Intelligence (AI) then makes the corresponding real-time decisions and adjusts the materials gates opening time accordingly. This solution achieves unparalleled batching precision, reduces wasted materials, and streamlines batching consistency. The MIntelligent Feed automatically adapts to the plant's ever- changing conditions, so managing multiple plants simultaneously has never been easier. A Concrete Revolution After analyzing the plant's batching operation, MIntelligent Feed dynamically generates a list of custom jog times ("adaptive jogs") specific to your plant. With more relevant jog times available, batching requires fewer jogs, which unlocks more precise batches. You also have more latitude in recruiting and training junior batchers while this solution manages the feeding process. MIntelligent Feed leverages the cutting-edge potential of AI to optimize your concrete production, putting you in the driver's seat. Key Takeaways • Unlock surgical batching precision • Reduce wasted material (and lower CO2 footprint) • Enhance consistency between batches • Cut down on production costs MIntelligent Feed TM Revolutionizing concrete production with AI We take immense pride in offering the world's first AI-powered solution to dynamically optimize the concrete production process in real time. MIntelligent Feed ensures unwavering quality, consistency, and optimal material consumption, regardless of ever-shifting plant conditions. 81 Tons of C02 Reduced Per Plant Per Year

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