Case Studies

COMMANDqc Welsh Case Study

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The Challenge Chris Pusateri, Welsch's QC manager, became aware that as their company grew, it was harder for their existing staff to keep pace with the increased demands for their technical services. Their manual quality control effort was cumbersome to maintain. Mix designs, material tests, and concrete tests were stored in different computers for different plants, using a variety of different software. Maintaining proper yield in the mix designs, retrieving test data and producing submittals had become a major effort. Producing concrete mix submittals required scanning files out of multiple file cabinets, getting printouts from Excel spreadsheets and finding PDF files located on various computers, slowing down their sales efforts. The customer then received an email with multiple attachments that were difficult to organize and The Solution They evaluated several different QC software programs. Mr. Pusateri attended a COMMANDqc training seminar in Orlando, FL and had a chance to learn more about the system and to meet with other producers currently using the program. He realized that he could get everything he was looking for from the same company that provided their dispatch software, which eliminated any risk associated with integrating software from two different suppliers. The Result After the installation Welsch realized that there were LOCATION Joliet, IL INDUSTRY Ready Mix RESULTS Identify Human Error Welsch Ready Mix was started in 1920 Joliet, Illinois. The company now consists of 9 plants in 7 locations in Chicago. Welsch Ready Mix COMMANDQC iStock Image

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