MIntelligent Feed's Origin Story Syndicates Brilliantly with the Command Cloud Mission

Vincent Guerineau

From Vision to Revolution:

The Origin Story of MIntelligent Feed, Concrete’s AI Game-Changer

When they acquired Marcotte Systems in 2019, Joel Bardier (President) and Frederic Gamache (General Manager) focused on leveraging the vast amount of data collected in the batching process to develop a new differentiator for the company.  

After attending a compelling presentation on AI in 2019, they were convinced that this was the way forward towards the fully autonomous concrete plant. Significant time and R&D investments were made from this moment on to give life to this innovator’s gut feeling.  

In 2020, Marcotte Systems started collaborating with the University of Sherbrooke to enhance the stability and precision of concrete production, focusing on reducing cement overuse to cut CO emissions. The University of Sherbrooke provided combined expertise in both concrete materials science and data analysis. This interdisciplinary approach laid the groundwork for the more efficient, accurate, and environmentally friendly concrete production enabled by the MIntelligent Feed. 

With the product’s proof of concept in hand, Marcotte Systems started working with Vooban, a company specialized in AI enablement, in 2021. Vooban played a critical role in enhancing MIntelligent Feed’s precision and efficiency by developing an AI model that integrated seamlessly with Marcotte Systems’ software. This AI model considered several variables to accurately control the closing of materials chute gates, ensuring precise material quantities.  

Following an exploratory phase to test and finetune this AI model, tech-savy concrete producer Demix, part of visionary group CRH, activated MIntelligent Feed at one plant in 2022. After some initial adaptation challenges to the rapid changes commanded by concrete production, MIntelligent Feed eventually streamlined efficient batching, significantly reducing human intervention. Demonstrating greater batching precision while ensuring more consistent and uniform production, MIntelligent Feed was rolled out to the rest of Demix’s plants within a year.  

The MIntelligent Feed was born. The world’s first AI-powered system trained to elevate concrete batching’s consistency and speed to previously unseen levels, reducing material waste, overall production time, equipment wear and tear, and CO2 emissions. New industry production standards were set; and by the end of 2023, more than 30 concrete plants had already followed suit. 

After 4 years of determined R&D investments, the solution was spotted by market leader Command Alkon, which acquired Marcotte Systems, and the MIntelligent Feed, in 2024.  

This led to a perfect match, as innovation is also deeply ingrained in Command Alkon’s DNA. And others thought so, too. Recognized as “Disruptive Innovation,” MIntelligent Feed was hoisted as a World of Concrete’s 2024 Expert Choice Winner. 

Now from within the transformative Command Cloud platform, and fused with the industry’s leading batching system, COMMANDbatch, MIntelligent Feed is well positioned to appeal to concrete producers looking to get to 21st century level of productivity on an international scale. 

We proudly offer the world’s first AI-powered solution to optimize concrete production in real time. MIntelligent Feed delivers consistent quality and optimal material use, adapting to changing plant conditions. Looking for industry-grade precision? Visit our MIntelligent Feed page.

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